Title: Vetkuk, Mahoota, and DJ Maphorisa Unleash Musical Magic with ‘Bula Ntweo’
Renowned musical legends Vetkuk and Mahoota have joined forces with the incomparable DJ Maphorisa in their latest single, ‘Bula Ntweo.’ This dynamic collaboration features the unparalleled talents of Jelly Babie, XDuppy, Uncool MC, and Ricky Lenyora, creating an undeniable force in the Bacardi space.
Accompanied by an official visualizer, the release of ‘Bula Ntweo’ soared into the top 50 of YouTube’s music videos and has since amassed over 800k views within a mere four months. Experience the captivating essence of ‘Bula Ntweo’ here.
Vetkuk and Mahoota’s groundbreaking contributions to the music industry are matched only by DJ Maphorisa’s electrifying energy, as he pays homage to the legendary duo throughout the song with the rallying cry, “Vetkuk noMahoota bashaya ingoma!”
Since its debut on December 15th, ‘Bula Ntweo’ has transcended borders, becoming a sensation not only in South Africa but across the African continent. With its infectious Bacardi-inspired beats, the track has ignited dance floors worldwide and sparked viral TikTok challenges, amassing over 2 million creations and reaching the pinnacle of South African TikTok charts.
Prepare to be enchanted by the musical magic of ‘Bula Ntweo,’ as Vetkuk, Mahoota, and DJ Maphorisa continue to dominate the social media landscape with their unparalleled talent and infectious rhythms.