Title: “Sabinus Calls for Peace: Don Jazzy and Wizkid Summoned to Private Chamber Amidst Social Media Feud”
Renewed tensions between Nigerian music icons Wizkid and Davido have sparked online, prompting comedian Sabinus to intervene.
Sabinus, known for his comedic skits, has proposed a light-hearted approach to quell the rivalry, inviting both stars to a private conversation.
Expressing solidarity with Don Jazzy, Sabinus vows to support the producer amidst recent controversies.
In the midst of the social media storm, Sabinus’ call for reconciliation garners significant attention, with over 10k reactions flooding in.
Fans react humorously to Sabinus’ intervention, adding levity to the heated debate.
While tensions rise, Sabinus takes a moment to celebrate Father’s Day, injecting some light-heartedness into the online discourse.