Title: “Royalties Rift: Inkboy Calls Out Sarkodie Over Unpaid Dues”
In a public outcry that reverberated across social media, Nigerian artist Inkboy directed sharp criticism at Ghanaian rap luminary Sarkodie, alleging non-payment of royalties for their collaborative track, “One Million Cedis,” featured on Sarkodie’s ‘Jamz’ album
In a heartfelt plea addressed directly to Sarkodie on X (formerly known as Twitter), Inkboy lamented the delay in receiving compensation, stating, “King @sarkodie, what you are doing is not good at all. I hold your name in high regard, but it seems you prefer me calling you out and people saying I’m ungrateful. Please give me my royalties for ‘One Million Cedis’; it’s long overdue. Haba, you’re a legend, come on.”
Despite his persistent attempts to resolve the issue through social media, Inkboy revealed facing backlash from Sarkodie’s fanbase instead of the rightful compensation owed to him.
While Sarkodie’s team has yet to respond to the allegations, Inkboy remains steadfast in his demand for justice. The rift underscores the complexities of artist collaborations and the importance of fair compensation in the music industry.
As the saga unfolds, the spotlight shines on Sarkodie’s response and the resolution of this royalties dispute, highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by artists in navigating contractual agreements and ensuring equitable treatment.