Title: “Peruzzi Sets the Record Straight: Addressing Rumors of Songwriting Compensation from Davido”
Nigerian music sensation Peruzzi recently sat down with Isbae U on the Curiosity Made Me Ask podcast to discuss persistent rumors surrounding his collaboration with former mentor Davido, specifically addressing speculation about compensation.
During the conversation, Isbae U brought up rumors suggesting that Davido rewarded Peruzzi’s songwriting contributions with previously worn clothing, sparking intrigue among fans and industry insiders alike.
Peruzzi confirmed the rumors, admitting to such an arrangement in the past but clarifying that it is no longer the case. Despite the unusual nature of the compensation, Peruzzi emphasized the evolution of their working relationship.
Delving further, Isbae U questioned Peruzzi’s online presence, noting that his sarcastic remarks often generate more buzz than his musical releases. Peruzzi explained that while his witty comments entertain fans, his songwriting contributions to Davido’s repertoire remain a cornerstone of his career.
Peruzzi’s influence within the music industry is evident through his role in crafting hit songs for Davido, showcasing his prowess as a songwriter. Despite the rumors, Peruzzi continues to captivate audiences with his musical talent and engaging persona both online and off.