
Shukho-Unforgattable EP

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Unforgettable Mixtape it’s a chilled hip hop tape for your soul, for the love of hip hop and R&B . Unforgettable tape it’s a tape that I wrote dedicated to my lifestyle, history.. where I’ve been through especially ‘n my relationship’s ups and down and all the surgeries that I’ve been through. Unforgettable it’s also appreciated all ths who have been wishing me a speed recovery,  if you listen to a song called “midnight letter” .. that’s where I was talking about my surgery’s history. Then “midnight letter remix” it was like talking to my wife about not to worry about me I will be back at anytime sooner than expected.

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Unforgettable Mixtape it’s a chilled hip hop tape for your soul, for the love of hip hop and R&B . Unforgettable tape it’s a tape that I wrote dedicated to my lifestyle, history.. where I’ve been through especially ‘n my relationship’s ups and down and all the surgeries that I’ve been through. Unforgettable it’s also appreciated all ths who have been wishing me a speed recovery,  if you listen to a song called “midnight letter” .. that’s where I was talking about my surgery’s history. Then “midnight letter remix” it was like talking to my wife about not to worry about me I will be back at anytime sooner than expected.


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