Title: “Afrotainment Studio Robbed: DJ Tira Offers R20k Reward for Stolen Equipment Recovery”
Afrotainment, the record label led by DJ Tira, has suffered a significant setback with the burglary of its studio, resulting in the loss of valuable equipment.
While DJ Tira has remained silent regarding this unfortunate incident, artists TNS and Tipcee took to their social media platforms to raise awareness. They shared images of the emptied studio and announced a reward of R20,000 for any information leading to the recovery of the stolen items.
Tipcee posted a plea on behalf of the label, stating, “There was a break-in at Afrotainment Studio last night (Wed, 24-04-2024). All studio equipment was stolen, including hard drives containing unreleased music files. If anybody has any information or encounters individuals selling suspicious studio equipment, please contact us immediately.”
Additionally, TNS emphasized the seriousness of the situation, urging the community to assist in identifying the perpetrators and reclaiming the stolen property.
The collective effort to retrieve the equipment highlights the industry’s solidarity in times of adversity. DJ Tira’s offer of a substantial reward underscores the gravity of the situation and the label’s commitment to restoring normalcy.
For any leads or information, please reach out to Samkelo at +27 673405002. Together, let’s ensure justice is served and Afrotainment Studio can resume its creative endeavors