Title: Rick Ross and Drake’s Beef Reignites: A Timeline of the Feud
The ongoing feud between rap heavyweights Rick Ross and Drake has taken another turn. The latest development saw Ross allegedly attacked in Vancouver after playing Kendrick Lamar’s diss track “Not Like Us,” which targets Drake. Let’s dive into the timeline of this intense beef.
Early 2024: Ross and Drake trade diss tracks, with Ross releasing “Champagne Moments” and Drake responding with a scathing Instagram post. The two rappers exchange blows, accusing each other of ghostwriting and cosmetic procedures.
June 2024: Drake shares a screenshot of texts with his mother, accusing Ross of being “angry and racist.” Ross fires back, calling Drake a “pedophile” in a since-deleted comment.
July 2024: Ross plays “Not Like Us” at a Vancouver concert, leading to an alleged attack by Drake fans. Drake likes an Instagram post detailing the incident, warning people not to “come to Canada if you have issues with Drake.”
July 2024: Drake posts Instagram stories laughing and wishing fans a happy Canada Day, perceived by some as a shot at Ross. Ross’s ex, Tia Kemp, comments on Drake’s post, leading to a flirtatious exchange between the two.
The Ross-Drake feud continues to escalate, with no signs of slowing down. Stay tuned for further updates on this intense hip-hop rivalry.