Title: “Black Coffee and Kabza De Small Deliver Unforgettable Konka Performance”
In the heart of Soweto, Konka bids farewell with a bang as South Africa’s celebrated DJs, Black Coffee and Kabza De Small, join forces for an electrifying back-to-back performance. The iconic day club, known for creating unforgettable experiences, recently hosted Black Coffee’s sister, Amanda Dandala’s birthday celebration, drawing attention to its imminent closure in May.
The rare collaboration between Black Coffee and amapiano pioneer Kabza De Small ignited the dance floor, leaving attendees in awe and sparking online trends with captivating videos of their epic set. Konka, formerly known as Icon Soweto nightclub, owned by entrepreneur Kutlwano Pitso, has been a staple in Soweto’s nightlife scene, showcasing performances by top artists such as AKA, Riky Rick, DJ Maphorisa, and more.
As Konka prepares to bid farewell to its current location, patrons are invited to savor the remaining months of unforgettable experiences. However, this closure marks the beginning of a new chapter, with Konka set to unveil its new home in the summer of 2024, promising a continuation of its legacy as the playground for Joburg’s high rollers.