
The man I am

Original price was: R20.00.Current price is: R18.00.

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A song that talks about how hard we’ve worked to achieve our dreams


The message behind the song is that we must work the hardest if we are ever to achieve anything worthy. Nothing comes easy in in life, and things never work out until we work them out..!


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    Trap Music

    I love beautiful girls

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    Original price was: R25.00.Current price is: R20.00.
    Sale! Original price was: R25.00.Current price is: R20.00.

    A Venda song with a chorus sung in English.

    This song encourages Venda men to have as many women as they please because it was justified by a famous Venda Proverb which states ‘Munna Ndi ndou ha li muri muthihi/a man is an elephant and therefore doesn’t eat on one tree’.

    The meaning of this proverb is that a man must have more than one woman/wives

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  • Sale! Sale! Buy Now
    Trap Music

    Made it

    Rated 0 out of 5
    Original price was: R25.00.Current price is: R20.00.
    Sale! Original price was: R25.00.Current price is: R20.00.

    When you are proud of yourself for having made it in life..!

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